BSA 106 (Screen Arts) Semester 2 Week 13 : Presentation Report

This week we had our Director Presentations, my final Powerpoint below:

The most blatant elements missing from my powerpoint has to be a proper introduction to the director I'm presenting. Many other students started by establishing who they were talking about, giving context by mentioning what they are well known for and providing a quick insight into the director's history and life.

The reason I feel like this was needed in my presentation is because I later found out some people didn't really know who Del Toro was. The most I said in my presentation was that he's one of the most well known Mexican directors working today, not enough information when some of the people I'm presenting to hasn't seen even one of his films.

Another thing that could have helped would have been a picture of Del Toro himself, this is something that I feel is quite lacking in my powerpoint as a whole, more visual references could have been useful.

This is the introduction that we were taught to use, it's structured like an essay outlining the exact steps that will be taken throughout the presentation. Some other students just copied straight from the handbook and narrated extra information, I opted to include this extra information on the slide itself. I think it works somewhat in hiding the obvious adherence to the template we were given.

Some people gave a more general idea about the director's body of work (selecting only the director's best or most well known movies to talk about), others more in depth (giving each film a slide in itself), I think mine works well to give an overall idea of how Del Toro's output has changed over the years. I'm unsure whether or not I presented enough information here, maybe I should have gone more in depth with some specific films, I felt like the class didn't really get a good idea of what kind of movies he makes. This slide and maybe three or four more, each featuring one film each, could have been more effective.

One again this slide, as well as the introduction , would have benefited from some pictures. I think the philosophies I found were quite good, I noticed other people had some trouble in this area. It does feel a slight bit bare but I think it's just because I could have said more on each point than I did.

Again here I think I could have added more reference pictures.

A lot more detail was present in my actual presentation, unfortunately I can't find that file to attach it here.


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