BSA 131 (Digital Filmmaking I) Week 9 : The Role of Directors and AD's

Director's Duties:

The director works with the actors first and foremost, but there is a lot more to consider when discussing the role. The director also has to serve as a leader for the entire crew, giving good morale and creating a sense of confidence that the project will be finished. If a director is not confident or unsure of what he/she wants it can bring down the spirits of the entire crew.

The director is the main creative force behind a film, it's their vision that comes to life. This means that they are involved in every stage of the film-making process. On set they work mainly with the actors as everyone else should know what is required of them and its just the performances that have to be carefully monitored.

Blocking the Scene is an important part of a director's job, before shooting the director goes through a block with the actors, working out the kinks and giving the DOP a chance to plan out the shots. It's considered good practice to block first so that the DOP has a chance to observe the action and movement of a scene before the shots are planned out. Story-boarding beforehand is important in giving an idea of what the final product will be like, but a DOP is a creative force himself and you can't force him to meet the predetermined storyboards.

Assistant Director's Duties:

The First AD's main responsibility is organisation of the crew. They serve as a representative for the producer on set, making sure that things happen efficiently and stay on schedule. They serve as a mediator between the director and crew, the director only communicates withe three people:

- The Actor(s)
- The DOP
- And the First AD

One of the AD's main responsibilities and something we can put into practice now is Calling The Roll:

1st AD
: "Final checks"

This is where the make up and hair crew can apply final touches.

1st AD : "Quiet on set" (if on location "Lock it down")

Wait for silence on set.

1st AD : "Roll sound"

The sound operator rolls the sound.

Sound : "Sound speed"
1st AD : "Roll camera"

The camera operator or 1st AC presses record on the camera.

Camera : "Camera rolling"

The 2nd AC or clapper person will call the shot and clap the slate on screen. If the clap is not clean, the camera operator may call for "2nd Sticks".

Camera : "Camera Set"
Director : "Action"

After the shot has finished the director yells "Cut!". The 1st AD will confer with the director as to wether another take is needed. If so...

1st AD : "Going again. Back to number ones"

If the director is happy to move to the next shots...

1st AD : "Moving on. Next set up"

In class we did an activity in which we had to practice calling the roll:

It was very productive.


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