BSA 131 (Digital Filmmaking I) Week 7 : "THEY" Shoot BTS #2

The first day of shooting was on location at the SIT library. It was a very simple set-up and the day (or night in this case) went effectively. I found myself useful only during the setting up phase, once the cameras started rolling I didn't want to ruin a take with the noise of my camera. I stayed out of the way as well I could and the shots I got weren't particularly great but I think it fills the brief.

Dillon was a great help on set, his duties as production designer (or something like that) wasn't needed a lot on set, and he helped me out with BTS using his own DSLR (the above photo courtesy of him). I am considering interviews for the Behind The Scenes, that way if an edit is to be made (like there was for the third year project earlier this year) at least Arpi has something to work with. If I have the time maybe I could even do the edit.

This time around I didn't use a professional camera, choosing instead to just use my DSLR. This day was mainly for photos anyway.

Photo by Dillon Kirton

It was a very chill set

I ended up doing some odd jobs on set as I wasn't needed all the time, something which I am becoming very used to on sets of high years.


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