BSA 131 (Digital Filmmaking I) Week 6 : Unique Set-Ups

Unique Set-Ups

A "unique set-up" is each time that the camera changes position. Changes in lighting, props, set or other isn't always considered a change in set-up, but sometimes even the smallest change in terms of the camera (like moving the tripod) can constitute a change in set-up.

I've started visualizing my video and recorded some unique set-ups that I have in mind:
  1. CLOSE-UP of the man pressing play on MP3 player – Should take less than 10 minutes
  2. MID-SHOT of man sitting back in his chair – he moves across the screen to the right. This should take about 20 minutes – Backlit with lens flare
  3. CU of girl on her knees, she looks off screen, has a thought and stands up - SECOND ANGLE, different camera gets CU of her legs rising as she stands up. Backlit. Should only take about 20 minutes.
  4. OVER-THE-SHOULDER SHOT of the girl , THREE USES: 00:10 – Girl Walks Past, 01:18 Her walking past him, other direction, - Should take about 20 minutes.
  5. MID CLOSE-UP of girl signing the lyrics, her showing the cue cards and her showing the white board, with SECONDARY ANGLES (Get DOP to take close-ups)– Might take up to two hours to get, depending on how well I rehearse the actress
  6. MID-SHOT ¾ view of guy in chair, pan for first one. Multiple uses – Should only take 15 minutes. (Dolly?)
  7. FULL SHOT of her on the ground – eye level angle, low on ground – she rummages through chest and takes out a whiteboard (EXTRA PROP, BACKLIT), Dolly In. - 20 minutes? + FOR OPENING SEQUENCE: Slow Dolly shot of Chest (5 minutes max.)
  8. LONG TWO SHOT of the guy sitting in the chair, shes angled over him, he ignores her (DOLLY) also L2S of her in front of him, taking out the cue cards – 30 mins?
  9. CU of cue cards being pulled out, CU of whiteboard being taken out in same set-up – Should take like 5 minutes – LEAVE FOR LAST
  10. ¾ CU SHOT of her breathing in (backlit) – 10 minutes
  11. FULL SHOT of him in chair - Dolly in (THREE SHOTS, dolly closer and faster each time, start with LS and end in CU) – 40 minutes. SECONDARY SETUP (getting close-up of him starting to sing along)
  12. FOR OPENING SEQUENCE: Slow dolly shot of background/texture - 10 minutes.
  13. FOR OPENING SEQUENCE: Slow Dolly shot of chair – 10 minutes


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