The Kuleshov Effect: BSA 106 (Screen Arts 1) Week 7

BSA 106 (Screen Arts 1) Week 7 

For today's class we had to produce something that showcases the Kushelov Effect, also known as intellectual editing, where two unrelated images are taken and a connection is created between them that would not exist individually. This explores the idea of how context changes the way we perceive the content.

The pictures I used:

The first expression I wanted to communicate was bravery, so I combined the actor with a gun.

The second picture is meant to communicate the actor to convey a mixture between disappointment and aggression, as you would respond to being told that you can't access a file on your computer.

The third picture is supposed to make the talent look evil, so I connected him with a burning house.

Image Sources:

Main Image

Image 1

Image 2

Image 2


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